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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - row


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Перевод с английского языка row на русский

1) ряд; венец

образовывать ряд 2) батарея (скважин) 3) строит. проход 4) матем., вчт. строка - row of determinant - row of matrix - row of piles - blade row - card row - gage teeth row - key row - letter row - middle teeth row - nose teeth row - numerical row - perforation row - peripheral teeth row - rectilinear welt row - ring well row - rolling-cutter teeth row - table row - well row ROW сокр. от right-of-way 1) полоса отвода; полоса отчуждения 2) трасса

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  ряд; венец проход; переулок амер.этаж изгородь row of columns row of wells pile row ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) грести 2) полотно антенное 3) построчный 4) ряд 5) строка 6) строчка along the row — по строке, построчно row block of apartments — дом строчечной застройки - determinant row - dominating row - eligible row - incoming row - ineligible row - matrix row - one-by-three row matrix - outgoing row - pertaining to row - resolvent row - row average - row check - row combinator - row constraint - row dominance - row effect - row expansion - row graph - row kernel - row maximum - row mean - row number - row of bays - row permutation - row pitch - row position - row rank - row selection - row space - row sum vector - row sum - row top-dressing - row total - row transform - row vector - strike out row - table row ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ряд – comb row ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. ряд a row of trees —- ряд деревьев a row of soldiers —- шеренга солдат a row of figures —- ряд цифр; колонка цифр in a row —- в ряд 2. последовательность to utter rows of platitudes —- говорить одни пошлости 3. ряд (в театре и т. п.) front row of the stalls —- первый ряд партера in rows —- рядами 4. ряд домов; улица, переулок 5. ам. городской район, улица doctors' row —- район или улица, где сосредоточены квартиры врачей 6. ам. этаж (в доме) which row are you going to have a room in? —- на каком этаже вы собираетесь снять комнату? 7. с-х. ряд; междурядье; борозда 8. строка (таблицы, матрицы) Id: to have a long (a hard, a stiff) row to hoe —- ам. стоять перед трудной задачей Id: to hoe one's own row —- ам. заниматься своим делом; не вмешиваться в чужие дела Id: to be at the end of (one's) row —- ам. исчерпать все возможности Id: it does not amount to a row of beans —- ам. это ломаного гроша (выеденного яйца) не стоит 9. диал. ставить в ряд; располагать рядами (часто row up) 10. гребля 11. прогулка на лодке to go for a row —- покататься на лодке 12. пройденное на лодке расстояние a long row —- длинный путь на веслах 13. грести to row a boat —- грести на лодке to row against the wind —- грести против ветра they rowed forty (strokes) to the minute —- они делали сорок взмахов (гребков) в минуту 14. принимать участие в гребных гонках (также to row a race) to row...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  over легко победить в гонке ROW up Salt River amer.; sl. прокатить на выборах; нанести поражение ROW I noun  1) ряд; in a row - в ряд; in rows - рядами  2) ряд домов, улица to have a hard row to hoe amer. - стоять перед трудной задачей it does not amount to a row of beans/pins amer. - ломаного гроша не стоит II  1. noun  1) гребля  2) прогулка на лодке; to go for a row - кататься на лодке  2. v.  1) грести; to row a race - участвовать в соревнованиях по гребле  2) перевозить в лодке - row down - row out - row over - row up Salt River III coll.  1. noun  1) шум, гвалт; to make a row - поднимать скандал, шум; протестовать; whats the row? - в чем дело?  2) спор; ссора, свалка; to have a row with smb. - поссориться с кем-л.  3) нагоняй; to get into a row - получить нагоняй  2. v.  1) скандалить, шуметь; The parents often row with each other.  2) coll. делать выговор; отчитывать ROW down обойти, перегнать (о лодке) ROW out устать от гребли ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. 1 a number of persons or things in a more or less straight line. 2 a line of seats across a theatre etc. (in the front row). 3 a street with a continuous line of houses along one or each side. 4 a line of plants in a field or garden. 5 a horizontal line of entries in a table etc. Phrases and idioms a hard row to hoe a difficult task. in a row 1 forming a row. 2 colloq. in succession (two Sundays in a row). row-house US a terrace house. Etymology: ME raw, row, f. OE f. Gmc 2. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. propel (a boat) with oars. 2 tr. convey (a passenger) in a boat in this way. 3 intr. propel a boat in this way. 4 tr. make (a stroke) or achieve (a rate of striking) in rowing. 5 tr. compete in (a race) by rowing. 6 tr. row a race with. --n. 1 a spell of rowing. 2 an excursion in a rowing-boat. Phrases and idioms row-boat US = rowing-boat. row down overtake in a rowing, esp. bumping, race. rowing-boat Brit. a small boat propelled by oars. rowing-machine a device for exercising the muscles used in rowing. row out exhaust by rowing (the crew were completely rowed out at the finish). row over complete the course of a boat race with little effort, owing to the absence or inferiority of competitors. Derivatives rower n. Etymology: OE rowan f. Gmc, rel. to RUDDER, L remus oar 3. n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 a loud noise or commotion. 2 a fierce quarrel or dispute. 3 a a severe reprimand. b the condition of being reprimanded (shall get into a row). --v. 1 intr. make or engage in a row. 2 tr. reprimand. Phrases and idioms make (or kick up) a row 1 raise a noise. 2 make a vigorous protest. Etymology: 18th-c. sl.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rowan; akin to Middle High German ruejen to ~, Latin remus oar  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to propel a boat by means of oars  2. to move by or as if by the propulsion of oars  transitive verb  1.  a. to propel with or as if with oars  b.  (1) to participate in (a ~ing match)  (2) to compete against in ~ing  (3) to pull (an oar) in a crew  2. to transport in an oar-propelled boat  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1832 an act or instance of ~ing  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English rawe; akin to Old English r?w ~, Old High German riga line, and perhaps to Sanskrit rikhati he scratches  Date: 13th century  1. a number of objects arranged in a usually straight line a ~ of bottles; also the line along which such objects are arranged planted the corn in parallel ~s  2.  a. way, street  b. a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy doctors' ~  3. twelve-tone ~  4.  a. a continuous strip usually running horizontally or parallel to a baseline  b. a horizontal arrangement of items  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1657 to form into ~s  V. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1746 a noisy disturbance or quarrel  VI. intransitive verb  Date: 1797 to engage in a ~ ; have a quarrel ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]ARRANGEMENT OR SEQUENCE (rows) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A row of things or people is a number of them arranged in a line. ...a row of pretty little cottages... Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. Row is sometimes used in the names of streets. ...the house at 236 Larch Row. N-IN-NAMES: n N 3. see also death row, skid row 4. If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days. They have won five championships in a row... PHRASE: PHR after v II. [c red]MAKING A BOAT MOVE (rows, rowing, rowed) When you row, you sit in a boat and make it move through the water by using oars. If you row someone somewhere, you take them there in a boat, using oars. He rowed as quickly as he could to the shore... We could all row a boat and swim almost before we could walk... The boatman refused to row him back. VERB: V prep, V n, V n adv/prep • Row is also a noun. I took Daniel for a row. N-COUNT see also rowing III. [c red]DISAGREEMENT OR NOISE (rows, rowing, rowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A row is a serious disagreement between people or organizations. (BRIT INFORMAL) This is likely to provoke a further row about the bank’s role in the affair... = dispute N-COUNT: oft adj N, N prep 2. If two people row or if one person rows with another, they have a noisy argument. (BRIT INFORMAL) They rowed all the time... He had earlier rowed with his girlfriend. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V with n 3. If you say that someone is making a row, you mean that they are making a loud, unpleasant noise. (BRIT INFORMAL) ‘Whatever is that row?’ she demanded. ‘Pop festival,’ he answered. = din, racket N-SING ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a line of things or people next to each other + of  (a row of houses | rows of trees | Plant the seedlings in parallel rows.) in a row (=next to each other)  (On a long table, place the containers in a row. | The children were asked to stand in a row. | row upon row (=many rows))  (row upon row of shelves stacked with books) 2 a line of seats in a theatre or cinema  (We sat in the front row.) 3 three/four etc times in a row happening a number of times in exactly the same way or with the same result  (She won four times in a row.) 4 go for a row to take a short journey in a rowing boat ~2 n BrE 1 an angry argument that lasts a short time, especially between people who know each other well  (The news caused a terrible family row. | have a row (with sb))  (Those two are always having rows.) 2 a situation in which people disagree strongly about important public matters; controversy + about/over  (The Prime Minister is at the centre of a new row over government secrecy.) 3 a loud unpleasant noise that continues for a long time  (Stop that row - I'm trying to get to sleep!) ~3 v 1 to make a boat move across water using oars (=long poles that are flat at one end) + away/towards/across  (She rowed across the lake.) 2 to be able to make a boat move in this way, or to do this as a sport  (Jenny used to row at college.) ~4 v I + abou ~ BrE to argue in an angry way ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Rest Of World U.S. gov. abbr. Rights Of Way transport. abbr. Right of Way mil. abbr. Rest of the World mil. abbr. Realm Of Warcraft airport code Roswell, New Mexico USA telec. abbr. Rest Of World law abbr. Record Of Weirdness NYSE symbols Rowe Companies ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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